Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Conversions Out of Homosexuality?

In recent days there has not only been a competition between organizations who disagree with one another about whether or not a person can leave homosexuality or not, but there has also been a fascinating turn of events where two top homosexual leaders have decided to leave homosexuality and lesbianism. It's also interesting to note that "God" played a part in both decisions.

Michael Glatze, is apparently now a former gay leader who was just highlighted on WorldNetDaily and also at Concerned Women for America. A 30 minute testimonial is available to listen to here - It's interesting...but I'm not going to say I believe this guy is for real unti I see some more evidence and also see him walking with God for a very long time.

GayChristianWatch also has a video of Charlene Cothran that tells the story of her conversion.


Anonymous said...

but I'm not going to say I believe this guy is for real unti I see some more evidence and also see him walking with God for a very long time.
Define time.

GayLeftBorgLoon said...

Nelson, sir, glad you came by. Time will tell...months, weeks, years...we'll see buddy.